" Reiki is a method of healing using universal energy."

The first thing a person does when he/she has been hurt or is in pain of any sort, is told to hold the painful area. Touch conveys warmth, nurturing and love.
REIKI is a method of healing using universal energy. This energy is available to all of us.
The world is made up of REI meaning "Universal" and KI meaning "Energy". In the Reiki method of natural healing, you learn to channel and focus this universal energy through your hands, in order to offer healing to yourself and others. This energy works with the positive flow of life, offering a non-intrusive solution to the stress and issues we carry with us daily.
Reiki was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese, in the early 20th century. Dr Usui`s initial task was to discover how spiritual leaders such as the Buddha and Christ were able to perform miraculous healing through mere touch without depleting their own energy reserves. A deep spiritual experience led him to devote several years to the study. During his quest he experienced an intense energy gratification, which had healing powers. He named this energy—Usui Reiki Ryoho. His disciples, after the World War II, popularized the concept and its practice in the West.
Reiki is transferred to students by Reiki Masters through a series of attunements. During an attunement process, the Master selects a series of symbols, which represent important points located along a person`s energy field, and guides them through higher vibrations of energy. This attunement process enables recipients to access the healing energy on their own—and in turn, help others to access it too.
The Five Reiki Principles
I - Just for today, I will not be angry.
Anger at others or oneself or at the whole world, creates serious blockages in one's energy. It is the most complex inner enemy.
Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages which have accumulated in the body over years, but it cannot remove the residue of current anger which occurs daily.
Letting go of anger. brings Piece into the Mind.
II - Just for today, I will not worry.
While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with future ones. Although worry is not always a negative phenomena, endless worries may fill one's head, and each one bores a small hole in one's body and soul. While anger requires a focused Reiki treatment to remove obstacles, worry requires the energy to be spread throughout the entire body.
Letting go of worry, brings healing into the Body.
III - Just for today, I will be grateful.
Be grateful from your hart inward. Inner intention is the important element in this principle. Simple things as thanks, forgiveness, smile, good words, gratitude can improve others life and make them happy.
Being thankful brings Joy into the Spirit.
IV - Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Support yourself and your family respectably, without harming others.
Earn a respectable living, live a life of honor.
Working Honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.
V- Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
Honor your parents, honor your teachers, honor your elders.
Being Kind brings Love into the Will.