The Intelligence of Reiki Healing Energy
Reiki healing therapy allows the spiritually-directed life force energy to flow through the body. The healing Reiki energy is extremely intelligent, and does what it needs to do. Sometimes it will charge up the body with positive energy, other times it will help to break up any stagnant or blocked energies. Whatever it clears away, it then fills with its loving energy.
- Detoxifying the body
- Balancing one’s energy
- Removing energetic blockages
How the Reiki Healing Energy Works
Since the Reiki healing energy is so wise, it knows where it needs to go to do its magic, be it to clear blockages, balance your systems or conduct some other type of healing. The Reiki practitioner doesn’t have to specify where the Reiki energy should go; it knows what to do! However, the Reiki practitioner and/or the recipient can still set an intention about where they would like the Reiki healing energy to go.
For example, that a client comes in with a broken heart. You just finished your Reiki training class, and know that you want to focus on your client’s heart. You can stand at her heart, you can even do heart-healing symbols over it, but ultimately the Reiki healing energy will decide where to go. It may understand that it can best heal by moving to the client’s head and clearing their negative thoughts, giving them peace and relaxation to help their healing.
Reiki energy only works for the highest good of all concerned, so you will not have to worry about ‘doing’ something wrong. Truly, the Reiki healing energy is doing all the work anyway.
Primarily Reiki is working with love energy. It is a wonderful way to learn more about your spirit and explore your life path.